Friday, October 1, 2010

WIP: Lady Grey Muslin

The Muslin Stage


Fabric: White cotton twill from back in 2008 @ $3.50/yd (I think I used about 2.5 yds)

Notes: This is my first official time I've made a muslin (I made one other muslin a few months ago but it's not even done), and I'm enjoying the process very much. I don't know if I'd make a muslin for every garment I make since it's rather involved, but I'll definitely consider it for my more expensive fabric and complicated patterns.

Steps: Aside from the pattern tracing and cutting, I followed Gertie's muslin steps. Here's a simple breakdown.... this is more for my reference in the future.
  1. Extend seam allowance to 1".
  2. Thread trace seam lines.
  3. Baste pieces together.
  4. Press seam and hem allowances.
It looks kind of weird just hanging here... it looks much better on, but you can see the 1" seam allowances and the thread traced seam lines.


The Result:


I didn't hem or pin the hem allowance all the way so you can see bits of hanging out... oops!

Conclusion: I'm satisfied with the result and it doesn't look like I need to make any changes as far as I can see. Do you notice any draglines or adjustments I may need? Please let me know if you do! The lighting does make it difficult to see any draglines, too... The only thing I need to work on is setting in sleeves... I've never been good at this, and I want to perfect it for this project... do you think that will be too difficult?


Karin said...

I agree that you have a good fit without having to make a bunch of changes. Lucky you! This style really seems to suit you. I can't wait to see your finished article in fashion fabric.

Monique said...

I really love this coat! It's so uptown. If I were a seamstress I would sew this up right away after seeing your pics. Beautiful!

KID, MD said...

So pretty, even in muslin! It does look like you got a good fit right out of the envelope. How great!

Dei said...

Looking good so far. Muslin's work wonders, worth the effort.

Adelaide B said...

I can't wait to see your coat!

Sheila said...

Great looking muslin and agree with the others the fit looks good and looking forward to your lady grey.

Michelle said...

Wow, your coat looks great. I can't see any changes that you need in the muslin, how lucky is that?? Your coat is going to be fantastic.

Faye Lewis said...

Yes indeed your muslin does look good. You are making yours in white - right? That will be beautiful.

Rebecca said...

I think your muslin looks great!

Tany said...

I think it looks great! Your are doing a great job!

Antoinette said...

Oh. My. Word. I am so behind on my blog reading that I didn't even know you moved your blog. Over two months ago. No worries, I added the new one to my reader. Lovely muslin! Look forward to seeing "the real deal", though this is pretty "real deal" to me! xo

Angela said...

Thanks, ladies! I have yet to cut out the fashion fabric, and this project is beginning to be overwhelming. Hehe... hopefully it'll turn out as I expect it. :)

@Faye - yes, it will be in white. ^_^

raven said...

Da-AANNNNNNG Angela!! I know its just the muslin stage right now, but it looks so fab in white! I think you'll be fine on the sleeves - you just gotta show that fabric who's boss in the easing process :D


miss annie said...

how amazing is this blog?! I really enjoy reading your posts and i´m so inspired!

Anonymous said...

woo! it looks great so far!! hmm, a white coat sounds nice too! :) i cant wait to see your real fabric one!

Angela said...

@raven - hahaha... i'll try to show those sleeves who's boss... if i ever get there! :)

@annierama - thanks so much!! :D

@petiterepublic - thanks so much!! :D