Well... school has started again, and it looks like it's going to be a long semester. Between work and school, I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have for my many hobbies, which makes me a little sad.... sigh ...
I started this running/training program... couch potato to 5k. It's really helped me improve my running. I'm trying to decide if I run in a 5K at the end of this month. (Running in a 5K is one of my 2009 resolutions, but it seems too soon.) Hmmm... quite a quandry..
On another note... I went through our office closet, which is basically storage for my fabrics and other things, this weekend. I realized I bought a lot of fabric before I really knew how to sew with them. (Aside from the fact that I love hording fabric and patterns.) It looks like a have lots for WIPs, alterations for my hubby and other family members, and gifts to make... so much to do, not enough time!
= FO =
I did manage to make time for this. My cousin-in-law's birthday is coming up and I made her a little gift! =) I really like it, but I hope she likes it. It was a super fast knit. I think it only took me a total of 2.5 hours, which is really fast for me when it comes to knitting.

Pattern: Wisteria Scarf from
Twinkle's Weekend KnitsYarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick in Cranberry
Needles: Size 35! (They were huge and a little clunky to use.
I must also mention that I LoVE Ravelry! I took a long break from knitting/crocheting this year because I spent more time sewing. Because of this, I hadn't been on Ravelry very often and now I realized how much I missed it.